Watch enough NBA games and you’ll soon realize, the game doesn’t start until there’s 3 minutes left to play.
Growing up in Dallas my Aunt Doris and Uncle Sol
Took my brother and I to a lot of Dallas Mavericks basketball games
As we approached the last 3 minutes
She would invariably say
Ok, Kev. The game is about to begin.
And sure enough
90% of the games were won or lost
In those last few minutes of play
See if this helps:
Don’t turn your daily marketing for your business
Into a 2-hour slog
With a pre-game warm-up
Strategy session
Or even stretching.
Just set the timer
And write like hell for 25 minutes.
Trust me on this
When you get down to the last 3 minutes
You will find the clarity you need
To close out your session
Having written some good
And possibly great content
To post, publish or email to your prospects
And keep your winning streak alive.
I’m here,
P.S. Day 25 for me. Anybody want in? Reply and I’ll give you enough to start your streak of consecutive days marketing your own business in just 25 minutes per post.