If you want your prospect to experience joy from your marketing, it should feel joyful when you write it.
This is the craziest, most unexpected side effect of writing your marketing in one quick burst every day of the week:
It eliminates the existential dread of writing
Which even self-identified writers
Especially writers!
Tend to feel
And instead
Turns it into something to look forward to.
But don’t take my word for it …
Take this guy’s instead:
His name is Jonathan Stark
He teaches a course that will help you write to your prospects every day
And feel good about it.
It is called Email365
It starts tomorrow
You may sign up for it here.
No I do not profit in any way from this
Except to say that I personally have profited immensely from this course in particular
And his guidance over the last several years ????
I’m here,