When we meet to collaborate on your website, there’s a reason you feel better.
It’s called Behavioral Activation Therapy
I have no clue how to practice it
Teach it
Or be a Behavioral Activation Therapist
I just know that when we work together
And share screens
You can see your words
That articulate your prospect’s problem
Begin to populate your website
Week after week
And so far as I can tell
It feels pretty good
For you and me both
I’ve also heard this phenomenon referred to in less formal terms as
Getting stuff done.
I’m here,
P.S. I think this is why I always chuckle a little when I talk about my “sales calls.”
There really isn’t much selling.
We just get stuff done and then you decide if you’d like more of that 😃
Having trouble getting your team aligned on your website?
Start by focusing on the one thing you can all agree on:
The Prospect Comes First: 7 Questions to Answer Before You Write One Word on Your Website*
Know someone with a website that’s not converting? Kindly forward them this email 🙂
Any questions? Reply to this email and we’ll get you squared away 🙂
*SPOILER ALERT: A lot of the words from your answers will wind up on your website
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