Would you rather be on Page One of a google search or have a full slate of appointments for the week?
For most businesses, being highly ranked on Google is a nice-to-have vs. Booked Calendar Appointments which are a must-have.
Other than the obvious potential revenue
Booked Calendar Appointments give you 3 things:
- Hope
- Practice selling
- The opportunity to hone your craft
Shifting your website to get you more Booked Calendar Appointments
SEO be damned
Is also a LOT less mysterious
Trying to outsmart the biggest company in civilization is not for the faint of heart
And puts you in much greater control of your own destiny.
I’m here,
P.S. If you’ve chased SEO to the ends of the earth and finally rank #1 in a category you’ve always hoped for and STILL aren’t getting Booked. Calendar. Appointments. or outperforming your competition, please reply or schedule a session to start getting More Calendar Appointments, Please!