Normally, buzzy headlines aren’t worth more than the pixels it cost to produce them, but “career confidence” might actually be a thing.
There is some reality that’s worth noting, a lot of which could be attributed to dramatic events surrounding the election in the United States, the effects both good and bad of remote working, and the shift to AI productivity tools.
Just in my own personal experience, I’ve noticed they some of those things can affect my psyche, confidence, and optimism during the workday.
See if this helps:
Assume what you’re working on is going to go well.
If you’re avoiding what you want to work on altogether
Yes, avoiding what we want to work on is a thing
You might assume
Before you ever put fingertip to key
That you are going to crush it.
But it won’t work. I can’t do it. I don’t know ho…
And feel free to rudely interrupt those thoughts with:
I can already see myself finishing this bad boy and it doing what I’ve always wanted it to do.
Like, really go there.
Imagine bragging to your buddies about how you did it
Yup, I crushed it. Totally frikken nailed it.
Get detailed about it
It was actually a lot easier than I thought. Piece of cake, really
This might just be me, but:
When I assume that what I’m about to work on is going to go great, for some reason, no matter how much resistance I had going into it, somehow, somewhere, fingers start tapping keys and BOOM, it’s done.
Credit where credit is due:
I started doing this about 4 years ago after reading “Soundtracks” by Jon Acuff. And specifically after reading the chapter where he often tells himself throughout the day:
Everything is always working out for me.
I’m here,
P.S. Will you let me know if this works for you?