There will be a quiz.
I’m seeing more and more ChatGPT
Not that there’s anything wrong with that!
But if your first, last and only draft of what you publish for your prospect
Was not written by you
Or has little of your original thought
I fear that
Should your prospect show up for a call
You’ll be left without a massive benefit:
Being sufficiently prepared for a sales call
Knowing the right thing to say
At the right time
That makes your prospect feel as if you are the only person in the world
That could possibly solve their problem.
With ChatGPT on the other hand
I can’t see that happening
I honestly do not know the brain chemistry involved
But of everyone I’ve spoken with about this
The overwhelming majority
Have found this to be true:
The writing is not really writing
It’s thinking
That allows you to articulate your offer
In a way that anticipates
The biggest concern
Prospects have
Before they buy:
Have you thought this through?
I’m here,