A plumber’s hourly rate: $100/hr. minimum. $150/hr. if you watch. $200/hr if you help 🤣
I always liked that joke and I even had a plumber use it on me once
But I’ve found the complete opposite to be true in my business
If you want me to write your website completely on my own
Without your help
It is far too expensive
For both of us.
On the other hand, if we collaborate
We get rid of the approval process
You don’t need feedback from your team
Or your partner
Or your neighbor
Although all the above are welcome
You don’t second guess
You don’t need to sleep on it
Or stress about it
Or blow the whole project up
Because you’ve been involved the entire time
Which – irony of ironies –
Takes up far less of your time.
I’m here,
P.S. You also get a much better website. Why? Because you’re involved and you know your prospect far better than any writer will ever hope to ❤️
Having trouble getting your team aligned on your website?
Start by focusing on the one thing you can all agree on:
The Prospect Comes First: 7 Questions to Answer Before You Write One Word on Your Website*
Know someone with a website that’s not converting? Kindly forward them this email 🙂
Any questions? Reply to this email and we’ll get you squared away 🙂
*SPOILER ALERT: A lot of the words from your answers will wind up on your website
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