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I read Kevin’s emails every day. Somehow he makes them super short AND crazy useful. There’s always a quick nugget of wisdom about how to grab your website visitors instantly.
Dude, I just gotta say: your emails are really smart!
Your daily emails sing like Springsteen! Today's is a great example. In your work, you have noticed a truth about communication: people hate bullshit; they want to dive right in – and your email teaches that truth. Huge bingo.
Very inspiring Kevin, I’m taping this one to my wall.

I just took your advice and put 4 testimonials at the top of our homepage. I was skeptical at first (as I ran an agency for 12 years) but I’m reading your emails everyday and getting a lot out of them.

Man I don’t know how we know each other but your content is fire.
Love this email! Especially #6. I HAD to stop making perfect, personalized, curated pictures for every email. It took 2x as long as the email did and drove me CRAZYYYYYYYY!!! Cost me lots of money for stock photos. I also think it was getting me caught in spam filters.
When I picked up writing emails again about 6 months ago I tried the style you recommend—no intro or “dear so and so,” and no pictures. I had to do something to reduce my resistance to writing again, and it worked. I enjoy writing them more. And I find my open rate is higher.
Oh man!
F’****n love this.
Actually, i love it so much I'll use it to grow my list.
I'll let you know how it goes. :)
Thank you.
I am in awe of your emails
Love your content! I want to grow up and be like you one day. I was introduced to you via Jonathan Stark's show. I am stealing like 10 ideas from you from THAT podcast alone :) #ThankYou
I’m 12 days into starting my own daily list. I think what finally got me started was your tip last week to just ask people “Hey, I’m starting a daily email. I’d love any feedback you might have. Totally ok to unsubscribe. Can I sign you up?” I thought, “Ok, that’s not so hard, I can do this.” And what do you know, lots of people on my LinkedIn said “yes”.
I can confirm, sitting down with a 25-minute timer to write specifically things my clients would care most about has been super helpful in better understanding what they want. In fact, I remind myself the following each day before I start writing:
1) Focus on what the recipient cares about
2) Use the 7-seconds principle
3) Don’t sell, just focus on helping
I’m grateful to be part of your list. Thanks for the help you send out each day!

I’m on Kevin’s list. I read his daily emails and I hit reply often…especially when I forget he’s not writing just to me. His discipline of writing has been unreal. He’s clearly mastered both quality and quantity. 

Love your emails Kevin – especially the one about the 25 minutes on, 5 minute break. It’s already helped me get more done. I appreciate you.

These quick tip emails are brilliant! Every one of them is: easy, quick and smart. Everything I want in a daily email. Thanks for sharing your smarts!
You’re an inspiration!
These emails are exceptional. I read every one.

Your emails are amazing. I read 32 of them today. I’m finishing my website today and they have helped me a ton. I’m rescheduling with you now.

Kevin, I love your daily emails. 62% opens is very good, but with me, it’s 100%. The 7 second rule is all truth. Have sent folks your way. Keep up the good work!

— Bill Thomas

Kevin, you write some great emails and your brand tone of voice comes through in everything you've created (like the Elevator Pitcherator). You're keeping me entertained. Well done!

I’m enjoying your emails – this one [Cave-mansplain Your Website] is the best! Nice!

This one is awesome Kevin, and super-relevant! I’m going to take you up on your offer, if you don’t mind!

Bon Dia, Kevin! Just a short note to say that I’m enjoying your daily emails. I hope you are enjoying writing them! As people hold the content they consume to higher – and more personalized – standards, glad to be hearing from you. So… I’m here too! (Here and enjoying reading your work.)

As an evangelist for personal branding...I can't tell you how much I love your emails!

If you had a response mechanism like Facebook or Instagram-I’d be sending emoji ????. Love these super friendly and helpful emails!

— H.B.

Thanks for all of your super emails. Always giving me food for thought!

Kevin’s daily emails contain practical business advice, delivered in entertaining, easy to digest chunks. Kevin seems to have the uncanny ability to present the solution to business problems I am facing, before I even realise that I am facing them myself. I keep finding myself saving his emails for future reference.

Everything you send out has been both relevant and insightful. Very impressive.
— Gary Goldsmith, Underhead