The whole value of being in this position is just being able to control your time. ~ Mark Cuban, Dallas Mavericks Owner, Guy from Shark Tank, Billionaire Serial Entrepreneur and Investor
Cuban (or “Cubes” to his friends) spends an hour each morning writing emails.
As told to Trevor Noah on a recent episode of his “What Now?” podcast
He says the early-morning output helps keep him productive throughout each day
And even led to the start of his new company Cost Plus Drugs
Which came from a cold prospecting email (!)
He says the secret is …
Streamlining your schedule and communications through your inbox, which helps you prepare for the day and cut down on unnecessary calls and – ironically – emails.
In Market Yourself First, we’ll be setting up such a system
Not sure if Cuban has a name for his
But in MYF
It’s called a boiler room
Because it powers your whole day.
I’m here,
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