7-Second Thoughts February 26, 2023

Enough with all the writing.

What if you wrote less?

Think about how much you write right now

Or how much time you spend thinking “I should be writing more.”

Cold emails to prospects

LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and possibly all three

And don’t forget Medium!

See if this helps:

Try writing just one 1 email.

Which means in just 25 minutes or less

You could be done with all of your business words for the day

Or the week!

And simply automate that 1 email to go out to:

LinkedIn, Twitter, Medium, Facebook

And your website’s email archive page

Which gets you the right kind of SEO love from the Google machine 🙂

I’m here,


P.S. Reply to this email and I will help you not just write quickly (in 25 minutes or less – start to publish) but also send out your business words on autopilot to all of your preferred channels while you catch some ????

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