A joke should come very 6-9 seconds ~ Jay Leno
So much has changed in the last few years
But a big one is how people read.
They want to understand what they are reading
Without any further explanation of what they just read.
The quote at the beginning from former Tonight Show host Jay Leno
Is actually an old quote
He’s been saying it for years
But it applies to this new form of reading.
The reader wants a payoff
A conclusion
Or at the very least
A completion
About every 7 seconds
What’s true in comedy is true in a LOT of things ????
See if this helps:
When you are writing your website
See if you can complete a thought
In 1 sentence
Without that sentence relying on an explanation to follow.
Because here’s the thing:
Those explanations often wind up being big paragraph chunks
That give your website visitor a split second to decide
Whether or not they want to read it
And almost all of them
Choose the latter.
I’m here,
P.S. As you warm your reader up with short bursts of complete thoughts, you will begin to draw them in to slightly longer 2- or 3- paragraph bits that offer your products or services – often with a price or a guarantee. But to make it that far, dial them in first – 7 seconds (or so) at a time.
P.P.S. For example