7-Second Thoughts September 22, 2024

“How can you NOT do this?!”

… is your first clue that you may have discovered your target market.

If you find yourself directing a high level of vitriol toward a certain group of people 

Who appear to be clueless about how to do 

Whatever it is that you do

To the point that you can’t even see

How it’s even possible


Couldn’t do

What you do

You may have stumbled upon a problem

That a certain group of people

Would be willing to pay top dollar

To not have anymore. 

See if this helps:

If you hear any kind of:

Complaining, whining, griping, orsniping

Followed by confusion, exhaustion, exasperation or frustration

Rather than roll your eyes

Instead …

Jot down some notes

So that when you do start your own thing

Rather than specialize in what you do best

And be forced to compete with the rest

You instead niche

Into the people

You know best

And the value they place

On no longer having to deal

With what you could practically do

In your sleep.

I’m here,


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