Is based on how much your prospect can receive
How much they can retain
And the feeling you want them to have
At the end of the call.
Consider starting with time:
If you schedule your initial call for a half hour
And do your level best
To end the call 5 minutes early
You’ve got about 5 minutes* to offer them something of value
So …
Following the 80/20 rule of
They talk 80% of the time, you talk 20%
What can you give in 5 minutes
Of you talking
That will allow your prospect to:
Retain the information
Ask questions
Have you answer them
And for you to ask
If they’d like to schedule
The next call.
I’m here,
*Any more than 5 minutes and your prospect, no matter how generous and valuable the content, tends to remember your time together as stressful and is less likely to want to meet again.