Rather than a firehose, your prospect wants tools they can use to start solving problems.
The good news is: you already have all the tools they need.
If you can organize those resources in a way that anticipates what their highest priority problem is
You’ll have built a ton of interest
And trust
In a very short amount of time
See if this helps:
The Peg Board answers the chief question we all have about our website:
How do I know where to put everything?
Think of it like you would a peg board in the garage of someone that’s a true craftsman
Even if that’s a stretch for you 🖐
If a peg board is essentially an organizer of tools that solve problems
Your prospect should be able to reach for exactly what they need
When they need it
So they can decide what to click on
And what to skip.
I’m here,
P.S. Coming at this from your prospect’s perspective can provide YOU with a lot of relief as well. As my assistant Shane and I were collaborating on my website rewrite, we didn’t know even where to put the content you’re reading right now. Turns out, it belongs as an email.
P.P.S. One last thing: When you’ve got a new piece of content, don’t forget to hang it up on your homepage when you’re done
Having trouble getting your team aligned on your website?
Start by focusing on the one thing you can all agree on:
The Prospect Comes First: 7 Questions to Answer Before You Write One Word on Your Website*
Know someone with a website that’s not converting? Kindly forward them this email 🙂
Any questions? Reply to this email and we’ll get you squared away 🙂
*SPOILER ALERT: A lot of the words from your answers will wind up on your website
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