You woke up late
Maybe you shouldn’t write today
Maybe you’re stuck down a Youtube rabbit hole
And perhaps you should just try again tomorrow
It’ll be better then
Things will be better
Conditions will be more suitable
And besides, you weren’t totally sure what to post/publish/write/email anyway
Perhaps a little forgiveness is in order?
A little self love
A reprieve
All good?
Cool, cool?
Or maybe ….
You could start talking to yourself.
Maybe say some stuff you wouldn’t normally say
Stuff that gets you out of your jam.
What if I just thought of some stuff without writing it down at all?
Like, just sat here and barfed out some crap
In my mind
Some ideas
Some brain farts
Using the least amount of effort humanly possible
Like I’m going for the record for world’s laziest person
How little effort would it take to just think about what I might say
With zero commitment to putting it anywhere
Or doing anything with it?
I just wonder …
What would I risk
Just sitting here
About something I feel quite certain
I do not want
To do.
I’m here,