If you want to write novels, you just absolutely cannot have writer’s block. So I’ll tell you what: I’ll pay you what you would make mowing lawns for the summer if you get up every morning at 7:00 and go out and produce something. ~ Nathaniel Benchley, father of Peter, who would go on to write “Jaws.”
This concept of never having writer’s block
Of not ALLOWING yourself to have writer’s block
By creating a firm, but gentle
And highly consistent
Marketing practice
One that makes marketing your business
And playful
Lies at the heart of Market Yourself First
See if this helps (and I’m willing to bet that it will):
I will pay you
As I do my own children
Not even kidding
To write
And here’s how that’s gonna work:
Sign up for the waitlist
For Market Yourself First
With absolutely zero obligation to enroll.
And should you indeed
Choose to enroll
I will pay you
At the end of the course
In the form of a refund
Of 50% of the tuition
If you sign up
For the waitlist
I’m here,
P.S. How will I know that you wrote? Just email me after the course has ended and say, “Dear Kevin, I wrote. Now fork over the dough.”