7-Second Thoughts May 25, 2023

Leads before website.

I’ll start worrying about getting leads as soon as my website is done. ~ Said everyone ever.

Such is the beauty of the email newsletter

That it can help you figure out the value you offer

To your prospect

By writing directly to them

Website be damned.


Building the habit to write to your prospect

Consistently and quickly

Allows you to stop using the old

Still finishing my website

Excuse to avoid reaching out to your prospects

And instead

Start generating high-value appointments

With ideal prospects

And fans

Of your email.

I’m here,


P.S. Due to the tremendous response from the beta course mentioned in yesterday’s email “Your Resume on Steroids“, I’m considering adding a second cohort. If you’d like to know more or be a part of the group, reply to this email and I’ll get you squared away 🙂

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