Every single person coming to your website should either want to buy from you or refer you.
Everyone loves the idea of solar power
But everything about it seems
And makes you want to scream:
Please don’t corner me at a party and explain solar power I beg you!
But after working together for an hour a week for 3 weeks
This is how
Travis Jones
Solar panel salesperson
Made himself insanely referrable:
He no longer says
I’m an independent solar power consultant. ????
Instead he says
I unconfuse you about solar.
Correct me if I’m wrong but …
If you met Travis at a party
And 2 days later you ran into someone
Who was interested in getting solar power
You could realistically say something like:
I just met someone who does that!
Followed by:
Um… really sorry…
Nice guy
Totally lost his business card
I dunno
Try googling solar unconfuser
I’m here,
P.S. We can make you insanely memorable doing what Travis and I just did in as little as 3 sessions. You’ll leave with a ready-to-launch website homepage that either converts leads or requires the bare minimum of effort for your prospect to refer you. Reply to this email with questions or if you’d like to schedule your first 7-Second Working Session, you can click here now.