A “Done-For-You” service should never imply “Done-Without-You”
More and more of my SaaS clients
Without any intention on my part
Are becoming super interested in how I’m able to get their whole team to answer all of my questions
Complete all of the homework assignments
And show up to all of the meetings
An hour a week
Every week
Week after week after week
For 12 weeks
At a 90% attendance rate
This gives me hope …
As I see more and more of my friends who work at behemoth companies where they’re asked to learn new software that’s supposed to make their jobs easier
But instead
Makes their lives miserable
To the point that they’re ready to quit
What on earth does this have to do with homework and meetings?
Because building a Done-For-You product requires so much time, money, effort and…
The kind of guessing that costs both client and provider
A literal fortune
Rather than guess, give homework
Giving homework
Even before the kickoff
And making it extremely obvious as to its relevance
Gets everyone to attend the meeting
Making it undeniably clear that you’re using everyone’s answers to inform your next move
Which gets everyone to show up to the next meeting
And the next
And the next
And the next
Because the attendees know
As the meetings go on
That they’re not meetings at all
But rather … a collaboration
That allows the software builder to do their job
And guarantee that the product the client bought is:
And delivers exactly what the client wants
In the client’s own words.
I’m here,