If your prospect arrived at your office, would you:
Introduce yourself?
Immediately start asking them questions like:
Where do you want to go next?
How about here?
You wanna go here?
No wait, check this out over here!
See if this helps:
Your reader is very likely to skip over your top navigation anyway:
And go straight to the headline.
Why not relieve them of that split-second decision
And go right into what you do and how you can help them.
It’s actually a much cleaner
More sweet -smelling experience
That’s far more likely to encourage them to stick around and
If they like what they see
Come back soon
Ya hear? ????
I’m here,
P.S. Yes, you can still have navigation (which are really just links anyway). Just put those links in the middle of the page at a point where they’ve had a little time to settle in before they start making some serious decisions.