7-Second Thoughts November 8, 2024

Nothing Unshippable

However you write the web page that offers your highest-revenue-generating service, make sure that every 7-10 seconds worth of content is high enough in value that you’d feel comfortable sending it directly to your prospects and clients

And here’s how:

Ask yourself questions that naturally lend themselves to emails.

These emails, by and large, should solve problems for your prospect. 

With a little consistency, this kind of problem-solving eventually leads to a deeper insight into what’s keeping your prospect from buying

And content that your audience feels that they cannot live without

You could call it leverage.

Ultimately, these insights and content should ladder up to a sales page that …

Rather than sitting at home

Waiting for the phone to ring

Can literally be shipped out –> insight by insight –> directly

To your prospects and clients.

Does that make sense?

I’m here,


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