Your website might be inadvertently demotivating your prospect from contacting you
Ever notice how anti-smoking programs talk about how hard it is to quit?
And therefore, you should use their plan because their plan understands how hard it is to quit?
Guess what:
Turns out tobacco companies LOVE these plans
Or at least the marketing of these plans
Because they make it seem like quitting is just too darn hard
So why bother?
Here’s the thing:
If you put your thumb on the empathy scale
Be careful
Because even though it’s important to communicate
That you understand your prospect’s problem
So that they’ll trust you with the solution
You can
If you’re not careful
Actually de-motivate your prospect from contacting you
Because the problem you solve seems too daunting.
See if this helps:
Try listing out every excuse your prospect has to NOT act
And then one by one
Go through every one of the aforementioned excuses
And carefully
And factually explain
Why each and every last one
Is a load of hooey.
I’m here,