7-Second Thoughts February 13, 2023

Only you have the magic words.

You’ve got the juice ~ An extremely catchy youtube song my kids can’t get enough of (about corn ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

If you’re trying to write your website

I highly recommend hiring someone to do it “with you” rather than “for you”

And here’s why:

Writing with you

Means you’ll be doing some of the writing

Often in the form of a bare minimum of homework.

It also means that when your website is complete

Rather than feeling like your writer is abandoning you

You should feel like your writer is still there

Only now, that writer is you.

Trust me: you are going to LOVE that writer

Because that writer (you) now has the tools to write directly to your prospects

Quickly and consistently

So you can start booking more high-value appointments from your website.

I’m here,


P.S. Yes, I would love to be the writer that helps you be “that writer.” Reply and I can share some deets on how that works.

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