So why do our websites make them read like one?
FULL DISCLOSURE: I’m redoing my homepage
And after looking at various “heat maps”
You’d think that website visitors’ attention spans
Are bonkers
They go here, they go there
Their cursors darting about like their page is goin’ down.
But look at any given reader’s focus
On, say:
A compelling news article
And they read straight through – beginning to end.
It’s risky, but:
I do think there’s a place and time in your business
To go “all-in”
By offering the 1 thing you’re known for
Or want to be known for
And diving straight into:
The struggle
The stakes of not ending that struggle
And the degree of relief
To which your solution
Liberates them.
I know it’s a risk
But I think if you’re going to do the hard work
Of niching down
To attract your ideal buyer
To your homepage
If it truly is their story
Shouldn’t they want to see
How it ends?
I’m here,