7-Second Thoughts May 21, 2023

Pick your (favorite) poison

Find the torture you’re most comfortable with, and you’ll do well.” ~ Jerry Seinfeld

We all have to reach out to our prospects

So unless you enjoy cold calling

It means we all have to write:

Our website







All the above.

See if this helps:

Try to figure out the least amount of effort it takes

In the smallest amount of time

To communicate your value

In your medium of choice

For a week.

If it feels like a slog

Switch to something else

But if you get good responses

Or you simply enjoy it

Which is the most important factor

Keep going.

I’m here,


P.S. Seinfeld writes every day. He says it’s the key to his whole career. But even he finds the process somewhat uncomfortable. So when his daughter Sascha, now an aspiring comedian herself, came to him one day and said she was going to spend the whole day writing he replied, “Write for an hour and walk away.”

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