In a proposal, clarity and firm boundaries are an act of kindness.
A reader of the daily wrote in to talk about some interesting feedback she got from one of her proposals
Her client absolutely loved the work she did for him
She stages houses for real estate listings
He wrote her a very nice referral
And gushed about her to his real estate agent
The very agent that referred her
But after it was all said and done
The client offered what he thought was helpful feedback:
You know, you might want to rethink your proposal. It was very firm. You listed a lot of rules and stipulations. And to be honest, I was a little nervous about meeting you. I actually thought you might be kind of mean. But of course when I met you, you were the nicest person I’ve ever met!
So naturally, the stager wondered:
Should I make my proposal a little nicer?
My response:
You got the sale.
A killer review
And nothing but nice things were said back to the agent that referred you.
Here’s the thing:
The only way her client could have given her feedback in the first place – negative or otherwise – was if he had read it.
Objective #1 is for your proposal to simply be read
The vast majority or proposals are not
Objective #2 is that it must be clear enough for your prospect to decide if they would like to buy from you
Objective #3 is for them to reply
My 2 cents:
Don’t change one word
I’m here,