Assuming that most of your sales are preceded by 1 on 1 conversations, you might consider working the LinkedIn Direct Message (DM) feature into your marketing practice.
Yesterday’s email Would you reply to you?
Concerning the Direct Message (DM) feature on LinkedIn
Received a number of responses from folks writing in with their profile headline
Here’s why I think it’s worth taking it a step further
And sending that profile headline
Directly to your prospect
Ok, ok, hold up
That does seem a bit intimidating, so …
What if you started with friends?
Consider DM’ing any services you offer on your website
Say, a newsletter, a service, a package or product
Directly to a friend
As often as you can
Daily is actually easier
With a message that’s super short and sweet like:
Hey there, I need a fave. Totally ok to say no, but I’m starting this new
Doesn’t matter if it’s not new, it’s new to them …
Service, product, package, email, course, lead generator, etc.
And would love to get your thoughts.
Mind if I send it your way?
And here’s why:
You’ll get some practice …
- Lowering your resistance to direct messaging on LinkedIn
- Sending out your new profile headline according to yesterday’s email
- Selling 1 on 1 to a friendly audience*
I’m here,
*which, by the way, is the ultimate goal in all of this – to sell to people who are friendly to what you do.