First, your prospect wants to know how you’re going to help them
Whatever “sauce” you use
Regardless of how delicious, complex and layered it may be
Is secondary to whatever your special formula helps them do
For example:
One of my clients helps IT professionals take on more leadership roles, earn more money, and have a better time at work.
Full stop.
That’s all his prospects care about.
His secret sauce
Tasty as it may be
Is teaching them to do standup comedy.
Now, as fun and shiny and tempting as it would be
If he leads with comedy
He’s stuck pricing what he thinks his prospects might be willing to pay
For comedy lessons
On the other hand
If he starts with what his clients are willing to pay for a career that offers them:
More satisfaction
More money
And more joy
He can dive deep into their pain
How well he knows it
How so many of his clients have been relieved of it
All the while turning his sauce
From a commodity
That his competition can undercut
To a solution that:
And tastes
An awful lot
Like lightning in a bottle.
I’m here,