7-Second Thoughts November 16, 2024

Rogaine for Men is a drug

Rogaine for Women is marketing

Same exact ingredient

And yet, if you look not even closely at the Rogaine for Men package

It clearly states:

Not for Women

But when I asked our daughter’s dermatologist why she couldn’t just use Rogaine for Men

Seeing as how it’s stronger

And cheaper

She confirmed what I thought all along:

It’s just marketing

And cheaper as a generic 😉

See if this helps:

You can create exclusivity

Without the total nonsense and sliminess

By making your prospect decide if they want to risk doing business without you

By saying who your product or service is for

And who it is not

But should you decide to go this route

Going Rogaine

And saying “yes”

To the prospect to whom your product or service

Is genuinely NOT for

Will probably lead that prospect

And many others

To the cheaper version

Of what you do.

I’m here,


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