Yes, money is important. But it’s not what keeps your business going.
I recommend being paid upfront but that’s another email for another day
Better yet, please visit
But regardless where in the sales process your compensation begins
Pricing your services well
Is what will inspire you to TAKE ON the project
But what happens AFTER you receive the money?
Once the money hits your bank account
You are working purely for the testimonial
Which will all come down to how much value you deliver
And whether or not your client feels the benefit of the outcome you both agreed upon
Ask yourself:
How much value will I need to deliver
So that when this engagement ends with my client
I will feel plenty confident in asking for a review.
I’m here,
REMEMBER: It’s not the money that keeps your business flowing, it’s the testimonial. That’s what your prospect will see on your homepage before deciding whether or not to book an appointment with you.