You’re far more likely to lose leads from your current website than you are from your “not quite there yet” new website.
I’m a perfectionist
And not in a good way
And just like I ask my clients
I decided to publish my website
That stakes my whole claim on writing great websites
When I knew it was less than perfect.
Because I was all too familiar
With the opportunity cost of NOT launching.
See if this helps:
Launch your website today
Warts and all
Trust me on this:
Every company I’ve ever worked with
Got crystal clear on the changes they needed to make
Once they put themselves out there.
I learned later there’s even a name for this:
The “Your Pants Are Down” Strategy
Works every time.
I’m here,
P.S. This all started with a conversation that’s picking up steam on LinkedIn about a designer with “Pg0totoshop Experience” on their resume. I think you know which side I came down on. You can catch up here.