Your prospect needs to know where to begin.
At first glance
Your website should look nice n’ easy:
Lots of white space
With no question of what you want your prospect to read first.
Which means that first sentence should be so clear
And simple
That you’ve essentially removed the burden of choice
From your prospect’s brain
So that before they’ve even made the conscious decision of whether or not to begin reading
They’ve already begun learning
What you do
And why they should care.
Having trouble getting your team aligned on your website?
Start by focusing on the one thing you can all agree on:
The Prospect Comes First: 7 Questions to Answer Before You Write One Word on Your Website*
Know someone with a website that’s not converting? Kindly forward them this email 🙂
Any questions? Reply to this email and we’ll get you squared away 🙂
*SPOILER ALERT: A lot of the words from your answers will wind up on your website
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