7-Second Thoughts February 7, 2023

Take your website on the road

You cannot write your website in a vacuum.

Every standup comic performs open mic nites

For free

Famous or unknown

Insanely rich

Or dirt poor:

Seinfeld, Schumer, Chappelle, Sykes, Wong, Hart, Gervais, Aziz …

On any given night at any given comedy club

Any one of them might drop in

Do a set

And bomb

But it’s the only way to see if they’re material is resonating.

Your website must do the same.

See if this helps:

Write your website


And then take it on the road.

Include bits and pieces in your email newsletter

Your LinkedIn

Your sales calls

Pitch decks

Webinars and speaking engagements

And see what lands.

Whatever gets a response

Or books you the next appointment

Earns a spot on your website.

I’m here,


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