When your proposal absolutely positively MUST be read.
You spent hours with your prospect
Days on your powerpoint
Even made a lovely little video
To go along with your gorgeous proposal
And then …
Did they read it? Did they lose it?
Now you’re left with desperate thoughts
Of sending another
Far less confident message:
Didja get my email?
Didja have a chance to …
Just moving this to the top of your inbox …
But what can you do?
Write the email that delivers all of your attachments
As if none of those attachments existed
And instead
Put whatever you absolutely want your prospect to read
In the body of the email
And making that email
As short as humanly possible.
Short enough that your prospect
Has almost no choice
But to read it.
Just so long as it ends with:
Asking them
For an appointment*
I’m here,
*EPILOGUE: Emails rarely close sales. That’s what sales calls are for.