is one that guarantees – long after you’ve stopped paying them – that you can write about your business better than a so-called professional could ever hope to.
TL;DR—The single best writer for your business
By. A. Mile.
Is you.
If you disagree, we can discuss at a later date
But more words have been spilled on that matter
In this here newsletter
Than I care to mention
But it bears repeating doubling down on:
If you’re searching for the perfect writer
Maybe don’t search for “copywriter”
And start with something like coach or consultant instead
You’ll never be satisfied
Your website, your social posts, your sales pages, your emails
Having that stuff done while you sit back and wait for it
Is like waiting to get huge muscles
While someone works out for you
Or works out while you watch
But I wouldn’t bench press like that!
This is what the kids are doing:
And I have to say, it’s kind of awesome.
Instead of hiring out
Please don’t say hire in, please don’t say hire in
People are hiring
Someone to teach them
And work with them
1 on 1
To learn what they need to learn
Well enough
To stop paying for it
Part of the fun
And use that skill
To actually grow their business.
Writing just happens to be one of those skills
That’s sort of new again
That people are starting to realize
Can actually grow their business
And only if
The person who’s teaching you
Is on the hook
For making sure that when your time together is done
Are a better writer for your business
Than a professional
Could ever hope to be.
I’m here,