7-Second Thoughts December 4, 2024

The Die-Hards

There are people you know – both famous and not-so-famous – who are clearly doing what they were put on this Earth to do

And make it all too obvious

That they will continue doing it

Until they are dirt.

Charles Schulz, the creator of “Peanuts,” is one of those.

He retired one week (at age 90-something)

Died the next

Just days before his last comic strip was published.

We all know people like this, right?

You may have a pastor or rabbi that falls into this category

A certain high school psychology teacher

Shout out to Mr. Nelson at J.J. Pearce High School!

People who seem to almost float above their job

Doing it with such ease and joy and levity

That they just go on and on and on.

Rather than exiting the stage

To a life of contentment and fulfillment

They choose their labor of love.

If I put something together:

Starting the last week in January

That helped you create a website

For the sole purpose

Of turning you into a Problem-Solving Juggernaut for Your Prospects and Clients

And in the process

Transformed you into a Die-Hard

Would it help?

I’m here,


P.S. If this seems like it might be your cup of tea, kindly reply with a 👍

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