7-Second Thoughts September 24, 2024

The Generosity Hack

There are lots of formulas and techniques to send quick n’ easy content to your prospects

But if you’re feeling a little writer’s block

I’ll put my thumb on the scale every time

For freely giving away your expertise

Especially with regard to content that you would ordinarily charge for

As the fastest shortcut I know

To relief

And here’s how:

If you can reply to an email

With a helpful tip

To someone in need

Common on someone’s post

Sometimes referred to as an “answer bomb”

Or simply send someone who’s struggling

A little of your special sauce

That you know they can make a clean profit from

Without any expectation of a return

You’re pretty much guaranteed

An almost verbatim “copy n’ paste” post

That unblocks whatever was keeping you

From giving.

I’m here,


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