7-Second Thoughts August 19, 2024

The giftology of collaboration

Consider collaboration as the ultimate gift, one that won’t soon be forgotten.

Consider starting your virtual sales calls

With a set of questions

On a shared document

Open between the two of you

That you both contribute to

And here’s why:

No matter what happens

It will be clear from the get-go

Where the session is headed

That you literally “don’t have all the answers”

But rather, that you are both locked

In a genuine and worthwhile struggle

To find your prospect’s most pressing problem

And only the problem

To which their contribution

Is vital

And here’s how:

Before the call, send an agenda with your questions.

At the beginning of the call, share the link to the doc in the chat

Explain the purpose of the call is to make sure you understand the problem to see if you can help

And finally, politely, gently and fearlessly request

That your prospect jot down as many and as much of their answers

With you

So that you both can look back

At the end of the call

And see what it was like

To work together.

I’m here,


P.S. According to Giftology rules, the shared document your prospect leaves the call with should have their name and their name only – with yours nowhere in sight.

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