ChatGPT’s true calling might be making you sound like less of a robot
I’ve been speaking quite a bit to Dan Horan, a good friend and a professor at Hamline University School of Business here in St. Paul.
Unlike most professors who consider it cheating, Dan insists his students start their assignments using ChatGPT:
“AI should not be used as a substitute for students creating their own content and using class assignments to practice developing their leadership skills.
However, in business, there are no right or wrong answers – everything is about how you defend your thinking and ultimately execute. Therefore, if you are not using AI to prepare for class, you are only hurting yourself.“
Interestingly enough, Dan currently teaches a master’s level course called “Critical Thinking.”
And that’s his whole point.
Start with ChatGPT and get the surface level stuff out of the way so you can dive deeper on your own.
Dan continues:
“Instead of “what comment” ask “what question would you ask to help yourself dig deeper or think about the problem differently?”
He concludes, “It IS cheating – cheating yourself at least – if you use ChatGPT to find word for word what you need. Using it as a research tool, however; helps you develop critical thinking – which is the best education money can buy.”
See if this helps:
When writing your sales page for your website, consider writing the first version using ChatGPT and get all the generic, insider jargon that your prospect doesn’t understand or care about out of the way.
Then keep asking questions until you start to stir up your own insights – the kind that make your prospect think you used some kind of diabolical AI tool to crawl inside their head, which – if that’s all you did – would actually bore them to tears.
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