7-Second Thoughts December 10, 2023

The hand that rocks the content

Rules your client’s world.

If you’re looking to build longer

More profitable relationships

With LESS clients

You might slow down

And place extra emphasis

On the intake of the content you need

To get from your client

To fully understand their business.

See if this helps:

What may look

To both you and them

Like a simple, tedious intake

Filled with a bunch of questions

Is actually the beginning of a relationship.

Bear with me here:

As you ask said questions

And follow-up on those questions

And dive deeper into them

In your emails, calls, and meetings with clients

You are setting the both of you up

For a working relationship

Where real work is being done

Real insight is unearthed

And a lasting bond

Between you

And them

Is forged.

I’m here,


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