7-Second Thoughts December 11, 2021

The motivational website that should’ve quit

while it was ahead

Somewhere on your homepage, there are words that will bring you leads. Put them in the first 7 seconds.

Today’s website did.

Emphasis on “did”

See if this helps:

WEBSITE: Motivated Mornings – Washington, D.C.

CURRENT 7 SECONDS: Stop prepping. Start doing.

Accountability, community, and productivity coaching to help you start and finish the work.


You get a vague idea of what that means but it’s not enough to keep you interested

HERE’S WHAT THEY HAD BEFORE: Actually do the work.

Accountability, community, and productivity coaching to help you start and finish the work.
Interested now? ????

I’m here,


P.S. There’s a simple recipe for predicting how the next 90 days will go for your business. Reply to this email or hop on a 15-minute call to get the goods on the 7-Second Business Intensive.

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