Your homepage headline is the movie trailer for your sales call.
The first 7 seconds of your homepage and your sales call should have the same objective:
To get your prospect interested immediately in what you do.
On your homepage, you’re getting right to the meat of how you can help your prospect.
In your sales call, that first 7 seconds should also cut to the chase
Why this is so important:
In both cases, the first 7 seconds sets the trajectory of how the experience will go
Even in the case of my own meetings with my assistant
If I say “Mind if we dive right in?”
“How’s it going?”
The time we save when I use the former is insane.
See if this helps:
Make the first 7 seconds of your homepage how you help your prospect
So that when they get on the call
They’re fully prepared to
Dive right in.
I’m here,
Having trouble getting your team aligned on your website?
Start by focusing on the one thing you can all agree on:
The Prospect Comes First: 7 Questions to Answer Before You Write One Word on Your Website*
Know someone with a website that’s not converting? Kindly forward them this email 🙂
Any questions? Reply to this email and we’ll get you squared away 🙂
*SPOILER ALERT: A lot of the words from your answers will wind up on your website
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