7-Second Thoughts July 1, 2023

The streak breakers

Be on the lookout for things that get in the way of writing consistently to your prospects.

Things like:

Planning, strategizing, overthinking

Self doubt

Spending too much time writing


Don’t plan. Don’t think.

Set timer. Start typing.

Let go of self-doubt.

Assume your prospect DOES want to hear from you

They gave you permission

See if this helps:

If you finish in 25 minutes

Take your 5-minute break

But even

And especially

If you don’t finish in the allotted time

Take your 5 minute break anyway

And come back to it.

It might just be me but …

Walking away

And coming back

To the work

Might be just the thing

That makes reaching out to your prospects

Feel not like work

At all.

I’m here,


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