7-Second Thoughts May 9, 2023

The website bypass

You can leave your website as-is and still sell your services.

One great big giant benefit of reaching out directly to your prospects

Through a consistent email newsletter

Is the ability to offer a brand new product or service

In the amount of time it takes to write the email itself

And why wouldn’t you?

If your email offers value to your reader

It stands to reason that you’d be the ideal one

To help them. 


The more your emails address your prospect’s problems

The more natural it will feel to offer a specific service

For that specific problem.

4 Steps to Creating a Website-less Service from Scratch

  1. Create a calendly link (or your preferred meeting link service)
  2. Write a quick description of the service.
  3. Copy n’ paste what you wrote in calendly into the “P.S.” of the email
  4. And write a title that solves the problem you addressed.

I love the calendly link because it bypasses the website altogether. 

No WordPress or Squarespace to fuss with.

No coding, no design.

Just any old meeting link

And a stripe link if it’s a paid service ????

And you’re in business.

I’m here,


P.S. Bet ya didn’t see THIS coming ???? If you’d like to discuss how to create a free or paid service, schedule a 25-min. Website-less Services Call with Kevin here 🙂

P.P.S. We can discuss how I can help you not only create your service but also write the email itself in under 25 minutes on your 25-min. Website-less Services Call with Kevin

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