FYI: Sensitive body part talk ahead. You can be cute, clever, and creative if you’re super, super, super clear.
See if this helps:
WEBSITE: The Vagina Whisperer – New Orleans, LA
FIRST 7 SECONDS: Expert care for your down there.
Online pelvic floor fitness programs from a board-certified Women’s Health Physical Therapist
If you’re the prospect
You know the benefit
And why you care
About a topic that anyone else might take 7000 seconds to explain.
And even then
You still might not be super clear
On the benefit.
I’m here,
P.S. Feeling like it takes FOREVER before your prospect “gets” what you do? 1. Complete Your Fast Pitch Worksheet 2. Reply to this email with the link. 3. I will respond with a video review including my own 7-second version that gets your prospects excited enough to want to know more about what you do. I know I do! ✋. Seriously, have a look at this thing.
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