Tina Fey on writing for Saturday Night Live: “The show doesn’t go on because it’s ready; it goes on because it’s 11:30.” `
When you have a long-running show like SNL
You have to play the long game.
You’re getting paid really good money
To write the best content you can
Knowing you have to leave enough in the tank
To do it all over again next week
And the week after
For 38 consecutive weeks a year.
That’s what I call “sustainable content.”
My job is to guide you to the point
Where you can write consistently
For 25 minutes at a clip
Knowing that at the end
You’ve taken care of your most important client
And made really good money doing it.
I’m here,
P.S. Sustainable content can be content farm-level or pro level. Start with a clear Brand Story every time and eventually you’ll make the Hall of Fame.
P.P.S. Sorry, I stay away from sports metaphors at all cost because I know almost nothing about them – but I have always loved this one Nike headline that simply read, “Death, taxes, Cal Ripken.”