As soon as you get good at something, teach someone else to do it.
Getting better at your job was supposed to be a good thing
And it still is
Right up until the moment it starts to holds you back
And here’s how:
You can fall into the perpetual trap of getting such high praise
That you insist on the old adage
If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself
Which leads to you putting out fires
All day, every day
While your subordinates
Leap frog over you
Into leadership positions.
Rather than ride in on your white horse
If you can
Take a beat
And teach someone greener than you
To do what you do
Knowing it probably won’t be done as well
Or as fast
And that any blame will be placed squarely on your shoulders
And any credit will go to your underling
You’ll have achieved the sweet spot
That causes your supervisors
And clients
To stand up and take notice
Of a new leader
In their midst.
I’m here,
P.S. Thanks to IT Consultant to the Stars Jerry Black for inspiring today’s email.