7-Second Thoughts September 6, 2024

Unanswered questions


Asking your new client questions

Only to have those questions go unanswered

Devalues your relationship

Before it ever gets started

Getting answers


Does the opposite

By a phenomenally disproportionate amount

If you can swing it

If you possess some magical power*

That somehow hypnotizes your client

To reply to your queries

By all means

Go for it

I can tell you it takes equal parts

Persistence & Repetition

Kindness & Humor

Simplicity & Ease

All of which speak volumes about your sincerity

And willingness to put yourself out there

As the one who doesn’t know

If you’re unsure where the line is

Between persistence

And pestering

Send your questions in a series of emails 


To only one person at a time

And here’s why:

An email to many

Is crowd control

An email to one

Personalized to that individual

Along with a 1-sentence summary of why you need the answers

Is the start of an intimate


And here’s why I go on and on about this:

Whatever time you put into getting your questions answered

You can reduce by a factor of 10

The number of hours it will take 

To deliver.

I’m here,


P.S. To catch up on the Questionable Questionnaires series, here’s One , Two , and Three

* Questionnaires That Get Answered

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