7-Second Thoughts August 26, 2021

What a dog walker’s website has to say in 7 seconds

You’re a dog walker trying to get prospects to contact you off your website. Here’s what your future customers have to know in 7 seconds if you want them to stay:

1. What you do (seems obvious but most businesses forget this step)

2. Why they should care

Sample headline: Let me walk your dog.

Sub-headline: So you can spend more time with a happier pet.

Those few words are all your website visitor needs to decide if they want to continue reading about your experience, your services, your blog, or skip all that and just contact you.

Yes, 7 seconds can buy you a LOT of time.

I’m here,


P.S. Step 2 is critical. It’s what motivates your prospect to buy. Here’s how to get there. Ask yourself “How does my prospect feel about the problem I solve?” Stumped? Reply to this email and I’ll send some 7-second headlines that get your prospect to stay 🙂

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