What if you treated your marketing like a ritual marketing practice?
A lot of things are equated with coming back
Day after day
With pure intention
To dedicate yourself
To the one thing you want to show up for.
Could be in the form of prayer
Or simply the moment
But for some reason
In business
It’s considered noisy
I think showing up with a clear intention to help your prospect in anyway you can
Without expecting anything in return
Is generosity.
It’s different for everyone
But here’s what’s happened for me in the short time I’ve been doing it:
My relationship with my prospects, clients, family and myself has clearly changed.
See if this helps: It might actually be easier to write your marketing daily than to write a few times a week.
I know for me, it’s way easier to write a daily email than to not write one at all.
I’m here,
P.S. If I can help, reply to this email. Or how ’bout this: Go here. Fill out the sheet. And reply with a link. I’m no longer associated with StoryBrand but still use this free tool with all of my clients. It’s still the best way to write the story of how to solve the problem your prospect is coming to you for first.